Dodge Easter traffic with mobile updates

The Highways Agency has made improvements to its website to help with the bank holiday weekend traffic.

A new service has been launched to allow constant live updates from the National Traffic Control Centre via your mobile or other portable devices rather than just from your home computer.

Denise Plumpton, Highways Agency director of information, said: "Planning your journey to avoid any congestion hotspots can take the stress out of the first day of the holiday so that everyone arrives at their destination happy and ready to enjoy themselves."

The website has been upgraded to cope with the higher numbers. The agency's figures over the past five years show the Easter getaway is expected to be well underway by lunchtime on Thursday and by 2pm England's motorways and major trunk roads are 45 per cent busier than a typical Thursday. By 10pm, there could be as many as 70,000 extra vehicles on the road, an increase of more than 80 per cent.

Jennifer Scott

Jennifer Scott is a former freelance journalist and currently political reporter for Sky News. She has a varied writing history, having started her career at Dennis Publishing, working in various roles across its business technology titles, including ITPro. Jennifer has specialised in a number of areas over the years and has produced a wealth of content for ITPro, focusing largely on data storage, networking, cloud computing, and telecommunications.

Most recently Jennifer has turned her skills to the political sphere and broadcast journalism, where she has worked for the BBC as a political reporter, before moving to Sky News.