Week in Review: We’re working out of the office

You might be aware that this was Work Wise week, where businesses have been encouraged to make the UK as progressive as it can be by adopting flexible working practices.

IT PRO acknowledges the benefits of remote working, and we have put actions into words by using National Work From Home Day as an opportunity to share our own experiences of remote working.

As well as blogging, we've also published some reasons why your business should be [a href="

https://www.itpro.com/610867/top-10-working-from-home-distractions" target="_blank"]implementing good flexible working practices[/a] already, but also some of the pitfalls to avoid.

Blogging debate

One of the most active blogs this week was from Davey Winder, who revealed that Microsoft was going to shut down anybody using the Release Candidate of Windows 7 every two hours starting from 2010. Whatever your point of view, please join the debate.

Another blog that got a lot of attention was news and feature's editor Nicole's view of Dell trying to create a retail site for the ladies' called (and I still can't believe the marketing people got away with this) Della. Unsurprisingly you might think it's in pink.

Glorious gadgets

Readers were also very interested in a new Asus netbook carrying a swivelling tablet screen, and the same was true with our review of the Android enabled HTC Magic although not quite the 'iPhone killer'- our tech ed Benny was very impressed.

Major IT glitches

Were you one of the Tesco shoppers unable to buy groceries due to tills breaking down? It was apparently the fault of a misbehaving IT update. If the biggest supermarket in Britain can lose business thanks to a glitch, it's probably wise not to complain too much about your IT department today.

Talking of which we at IT PRO noticed that Google had been running slow yesterday, and indeed the big daddy of the internet was suffering an error affecting users around the world.

Scary to think that any problem like this with Google is not just its own problem its an internet wide problem...