How can IT managers still be confused over web 2.0?

IT managers think that they are protected against threats from the web, but many don't understand what actually constitutes a web 2.0 site, according to a survey.

In a Websense web 2.0 survey only 17 per cent of the 1,300 managers questioned around the world, including the UK, could recognise what a web 2.0 website actually was.

They didn't realise that personal and social networks, email services, web portals, auction sites, wikis, sites enabling video and photo uploads, hosting services such as Geocities and hosted cloud computing such as, were all web 2.0 sites.

Almost all of the managers (95 per cent) would allow access to one of these web 2.0 sites, and on average, organisations would allow access to six of them.

This was worrying, considering that the same survey said that 80 per cent of IT managers around the world were confident about their company's web security, and nearly a quarter believed that their company was 100 per cent protected.