Video: How to setup online data backup


If you're part of a large company your IT department should have its own comprehensive backup solution in place, such as, for example, one based on ARCserv Backup.

Alternatively, users can look after themselves with local backup solutions such as CMS Products Bounceback software.

However, online backup via the cloud' makes a lot of sense - as sending your valuable data off-site protects you from local disasters such as theft or fire.

There are numerous solutions out there, and giants such as Microsoft and Google and getting in on the action.

For our short video we get you started with the concept of online backup by running through setting up a couple of the most popular services out there from Carbonite and Mozy, and we also take a look at Microsoft's Mesh file synchronisation service, currently still in beta.

James Morris

Dr James Morris has worked as a technology journalist for over 25 years, including spending nine years on the staff of market-leading computer magazine PC Pro, the last five of which were as the publication’s editor. He specialises in enterprise-grade software and hardware, with a particular focus on content creation. He launched a pioneering video channel for in 2006 and ran the video reviews channel for for four years. He also runs a successful online digital content and commercial video production company, t-zero communications Ltd.

Dr Morris is a prolific technology writer and contributes commercial content for major IT brands including AMD, BlackBerry, Dell, Cognizant, HP, and IBM. He published a book on artificial intelligence, Can Computers Create Art? in 2009. He is also an academic, and is currently Pathway Director of the MA, Interactive Journalism at City, University of London.

Previously, he was course leader for the BA in Web Media Production at Ravensbourne University. He has a PhD in Philosophy, Art and Social Thought from the European Graduate School in Switzerland, a Master's in Media Arts from the New School in New York, USA, and a Bachelor's in Social Anthropology from the London School of Economics.

Dr. Morris can be found on Twitter at @Cyberwest, or emailed at