Your Views: Will you be buying an Apple iPad?

Apple iPad

Apple this week unveiled its much-rumoured and much-awaited iPad tablet device. And, while we may not all be enamoured by its name, it's hard to deny that it will have a big impact on the market, either directly through consumers buying iPads or by prompting competitors to up their game.

In our latest newsletter, we asked IT PRO readers what you thought about the new device. Here's what you had to say:

The iPad is just what Richard has been waiting for. "I am going to buy one and it will be my first Apple purchase since an iPod a few years ago," he said.

"As a techie in my 50s, I love the iPhone, but I find it impractical as a device, since I have to put my glasses on whenever I want to use one - a penalty of growing older - so I stick to a conventional mobile phone (Nokia) for communication and to my iPod for music," he added.

"The iPad looks ideal for someone like me though. Conventional laptops are so awkward when on the move (I fly a lot), whereas the iPad is light, simple and can serve as media server, book, internet engine and email tool whilst on the move. Just what I have been waiting for."

Jez also thinks the device will appeal to business users as well as consumers. "It will be the best pitch tool for small meeting, sales, training etc," he said, adding "already have my money ready."

"Definitely, definitely going to get one, cannot wait, look brilliant," added an equally enthusiastic Chris.

For Alistair, however, it's a case of not no, but not now. "I was very interested in getting an iPad until I read that it didn't support Java and couldn't run more than a single application at any one time," he said.

"For me this is a deal breaker and as such will be waiting out until iPad 2 or iPad 3 when these issues should hopefully be fixed," he added.

Nick seemed a little underwhelmed and looks set to stick with just his iPhone. "I think that if Jobs had announced the iPad a few years ago, everyone would now be really excited by his announcement that it had been reduced in size by a quarter, and had a phone put in it. The new iPhone would be a true game-changer, revitalising the niche, moribund, awkward-to-use iPad, and amazing everyone with its portable power," he said.

He added: "What the iPad lacks, is generally what the iPhone lacks...Even with these limitations the iPhone is fantastic. To magnify the device, strip off the phone and claim a blinding increment seems very weak. The response of my colleagues to this less-than enthusiasm is to say,'Oh wait, Apple will produce all this and more, in its own good time.' So I'm to play the Apple planned obsolescence game? No thanks!"

Kathy feels the same way. "In a way it is just a big iPhone and I love everything the iPhone can do," she said. "I had hoped it would be more of a hybrid of a macbook and the touch technology. I will stick with my iPod Touch for now."

Andrew remains unimpressed. "Personally speaking, I really don't see the point of this iPod Touch on steroids. Besides the fact I could buy books to use on this device, it has nothing new," he said.

"It won't fail as there are too many Apple sycophants that will see the iPad as a life changing gadget that they can't live without and they'll buy it without thinking. And that's a shame," he added.

Midgetall feels very let down by the announcement, going so far as to rebrand the device the iPoo.

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Maggie Holland

Maggie has been a journalist since 1999, starting her career as an editorial assistant on then-weekly magazine Computing, before working her way up to senior reporter level. In 2006, just weeks before ITPro was launched, Maggie joined Dennis Publishing as a reporter. Having worked her way up to editor of ITPro, she was appointed group editor of CloudPro and ITPro in April 2012. She became the editorial director and took responsibility for ChannelPro, in 2016.

Her areas of particular interest, aside from cloud, include management and C-level issues, the business value of technology, green and environmental issues and careers to name but a few.