Week in Review: Digital Economy Bill, MIX10 and SXSW

Week in Review

Digital Economy Bill heads back home

The Digital Economy Bill ended its stay at the House of Lords, and is set to head back to MPs in the Commons, where many expect it to be rushed through before the election.

One of the more controversial aspects of the Bill includes harsh new tactics to deal with piracy and protect copyright. It's a complicated issue, with one report saying stealing digital content will cost 1.2 million EU jobs and another out this week saying disconnection laws will cost ISPs 500 million.

Either way, it sounds like someone's going to be picking up a big tab no matter which way the bill goes.

SXSW and MIX10 get web-friendly

Two big tech shows hit the US this week, South by Southwest in Austin, Texas and Microsoft's MIX10 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

In Texas, Spotify revealed it had 320,000 paying customers, Twitter talked up @Anywhere, and we got a bit of time to play with Windows Phone 7.

Between hitting the slots and wandering the strip - we can only assume - the folks at Microsoft used MIX10 to unveil some more details about Windows Phone 7 Series as well as Internet Explorer 9, and made the beta for Silverlight 4 available.

Best of the rest..

Gartner says physical servers are safer than virtualised ones, Facebook tops Google to become the most visited site on the web, and the House of Lords figures UK cyber security is actually kind of okay.

And more rumours popped up this week about what exactly Google plans to do about ending its spat with China, with expectations the news will be announced next week.