iPad 3G to arrive in US before UK can even preorder


Apple has updated its US online store to reveal the 3G version of the iPad will ship by 7 May.

The iPad was announced by Apple boss Steve Jobs at the end of January in two versions one with Wi-Fi only, and a second with 3G with three storage options available for each: 16GB, 32GB and 64GB.

The Wi-Fi version went on sale in the US at the beginning of the month, but with demand outstripping even Apple's most optimistic predictions, the company was forced to delay the 3G version's launch in the US as well as both versions internationally to cover US demand.

The specific wording "by May 7" appears to refer to Apple's attempts to honour pre-orders for the 3G iPad. Customers ordering their 3G iPad ahead of time were promised delivery in "late April", and various sources have reported readers confirming their orders still show the delivery date as the end of the month.

Either way, the picture remains unchanged for UK consumers waiting to get their hands on the iPad. Having originally promised an April UK launch date for the popular tablet, Apple revised the date last week to "late May", with unprecedented demand in the US again being given as the reason for the delay.

However, with the likelihood that the 3G version will already be on the shelves in the US by the time the iPad launches internationally, it does at least raise hopes that when we do see Apple's slate on UK shores, there's a good chance that both versions will arrive simultaneously.

US customers have been given two contract options through sole 3G provider AT&T: first is a cheaper contract offering 250MB of data for $14.99 per month, then there's the unlimited data plan for $29.99. Orange, Vodafone and O2 have already confirmed they will offer iPad 3G deals to UK customers, with Apple promising to reveal prices and start taking pre-orders on 10 May.