Today in tech: Next gen iPhone pics, Microsoft's new Fix It

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Next gen iPhone photos leaked

Photos of a possible mockup or prototype of the fourth generation iPhone have leaked online. Engadget

iPad 3G to hit US by 7 May

Americans will be able to get their hands on the 3G version of the iPad by 7 May, even before the UK can pre-order the device. IT PRO

Google says smashing botnets doesn't hit spam

Taking down big botnets - such as Mariposa in Spain - hasn't lead to a big dip in spam levels, according to stats from Google. PC Pro

Microsoft unveils automated fault detection

Microsoft has launched its Fix It software, which will keep an eye on a PC and automatically diagnose and fix common problems. BBC

Xperia X10 to get Android 2.1 in September

The Android OS update will bring multi-touch gesturing to the new Sony Ericsson handset. Know Your Mobile