IDF 2011:Intel promises the PC will be personal again with Ultrabooks

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Intel has vowed to make the PC personal again with the arrival of its Ultrabook devices.

We are both consumption and consumer animals, according to Mooly Eden, vice president and general manager of Intel's PC client group, who claimed the chip giant has tried to respond to these needs in its latest innovations.

"The PC has been the most adoptable device and it has changed itself several times in the last two decades," he told delegates at the Intel Developer Forum this week in San Francisco.

"In 1995 there was the transformation from consumer to enterprise. From people who thought with their brain to people who thought with their hearts."

The next transformation was in 2003, with users demanding great performance, connectivity and low power usage when it came to mobile devices.

"Eight years later, our customers still want to excel on these four mobilty factors. [The Ultrabook] will be a creation and consumption [device]. We will bring back the personal into PC with the C standing for creativity People will not only work with their PC, they will love their PC."

Eden was then joined on stage by Intel's market research manager who detailed the thought process behind defining what our usage needs are first and then coming up with technology that responds to them.

"We want some basic things. First we want to be productive and get things done. When working on an Office doc or in Excel, this is the left part of the brain we are using. We also all want to advance ourselves and move up in the world. The third thing is being in control and secure," he said.

"For the right brain side, we have a whole set of other things we care about. We all want to create. We want to take those creations and share with our friends. [Then] we just want to lose ourselves in that moment. Is there one device that can do all these things and with the performance we expect?"

The Ultrabook offers "mobility without compromise" with peace of mind and at a price that works, while giving us the power to create on a nice-looking device with a great user experience, he added.

We shouldn't have to wait for a computer, it should be the other way around, according to Eden.

"The big challenge for us is how do we take these usages and translate into engineering?" he said.

"It's true the performance is very important for our creation. You need a great engine in order to have a great driving experience. It's important what you have under the hood especially when you want to create If you want to fulfill the left brain and the right brain and not be left with no brain you need to create too."

The Ultrabook will feature three key technologies that will enhance the user experience further, according to Eden.

Intel Rapid Start technology will enable the system to "come out of hibernate in less than five seconds" and Intel Smart Connect technology will allow the machine to receive updates while in sleep mode.

The third piece of the puzzle is new security software designed with McAfee that aims to make such devices far less appealing to thieves.

Eden ended his speech with a call to action for developers and partners. "Let's go and build wonderful things together," he said.

Maggie Holland

Maggie has been a journalist since 1999, starting her career as an editorial assistant on then-weekly magazine Computing, before working her way up to senior reporter level. In 2006, just weeks before ITPro was launched, Maggie joined Dennis Publishing as a reporter. Having worked her way up to editor of ITPro, she was appointed group editor of CloudPro and ITPro in April 2012. She became the editorial director and took responsibility for ChannelPro, in 2016.

Her areas of particular interest, aside from cloud, include management and C-level issues, the business value of technology, green and environmental issues and careers to name but a few.