Top 5 Android security tips for the enterprise


With Google's Android operating system proving popular with consumers due to the wide variety of form factors and price points, it is inevitable enterprises will deploy the OS.

Android's flexibility and openness presents IT admins and users with a challenge in keeping devices and data secure. As Google's OS can be tightly woven with sensitive enterprise data such as messaging, contact details and documents, it is important to not only keep smartphones or tablets secure but be able to control access should it be lost or stolen.

IT Pro provides you with five simple tips to help keep Android devices secure and reduce the headache if a device is compromised.

5. Steer clear of open Wi-Fi networks

We've all been tempted to join one. But open Wi-Fi networks usually don't work or can be a trap to capture sensitive data.

Android can be set to connect automatically to open Wi-Fi hotspots with the aim of offloading data transfer from expensive 3G networks to higher bandwidth Wi-Fi links. All data sent over unencrypted, open Wi-Fi networks can be captured and read with the bare minimum of work.

The best thing to do is to steer clear of open Wi-Fi hotspots. If the need arises, make sure a virtual private network (VPN) connection has been setup to guard against packet sniffing.

A VPN connection creates an encrypted tunnel to a known secure machine. However users wanting to keep a VPN tunnel active at all times will generate considerable bandwidth and drain battery life, therefore it is imperative that both VPN and open Wi-Fi connections are initiated by the user.