Samsung Galaxy S5 vs iPhone 5s: Which is best?


Samsung raises the bar when it comes to the display with every generation. The 5.1in screen has a 1920 x 1080 resolution (432ppi) and there's plenty to love about it.

Super AMOLED tech provides good brightness (361cd/m2), contrast, and colour reproduction. The ability to change the colour settings to suit your preference is something no other device offers. Cinema mode has been identified as the best for colour accuracy and we would recommend switching to this.

The display on the 5s is brighter at (531 cd/m2), but it is starting to show its age. Apple's 4in display has a 1136 x 640 resolution (326ppi). Although the iPhone has a pin-sharp display, the size is small and web browsing is better on the larger Galaxy device.

Winner - Galaxy S5 - It's bigger and has better colour replication.