Latest about Adware
WakeNet AB accused of ‘deceptively' spreading adware
By Keumars Afifi-Sabet published
News Bad actors are using tools like 'embed movie' to coax victims into installing software that house adware
Zacinlo malware threatens Windows 10 PCs
By Keumars Afifi-Sabet published
News Malware takes screenshots of users' desktops, and has been operating silently for six years
Lenovo vows to cut bloatware after Superfish
By Clare Hopping published
News The company says it will drop adware after its Superfish debacle left customer data at risk
Facebook warns of new Superfish threat
By Joe Curtis published
News The fake security certificate used by the Lenovo-installed adware can be re-used by hackers, says social network
Lenovo stops shipping Superfish adware with consumer devices
By Khidr Suleman published
News Superfish adware had potential to make browser data available to hackers
Yahoo serves up New Year malware to European customers
By Jane McCallion published
News Malicious adverts infect users’ computers.
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