Latest about Orange
Orange working on ‘open’ contact management app
By Maggie Holland published
News If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em seems to be the motto form mobile giant Orange who plans to both compete and work alongside the social networking giants.
Orange teams with Twitter on MMS tweets
By Nicole Kobie published
News Orange users will be able to Tweet photos using MMS for the first time ever.
The life and times of the Palm Pre aged one month...
By Maggie Holland published
In-depth On this day last month the much-hyped Palm Pre went on sale on the O2 network in the UK. So how have things gone, how did it get there and what happens next?
Your Views: Buying an iPhone now or never?
By Maggie Holland published
News Last week saw the launch of the iPhone on the Orange network. Vodafone will be following suit early next year, so we asked readers whether they're getting one, waiting or just not interested at all.
Is Orange's network fit for the iPhone?
By Maggie Holland published
In-depth The waiting is over and the iPhone is now available on the Orange network, but what has Orange been doing behind the scenes to make sure all is well? We find out...
O2 offers free broadband to counter Orange's iPhone threat
By Martin James published
News Data tethering deals are to be sweetened by O2 with a free home internet offering as the iPhone gets released on Orange.
Video: Will you be buying an iPhone?
By IT Pro published
News The iPhone is arriving on the Orange network tomorrow, but does it still have users' attention? Take a look at our vox pops video and take part in our survey to find out.
Orange and T-Mobile sign final merger agreement
By Maggie Holland published
News The final agreement signaling Orange and T-Mobile's intention to merge has been signed, but the deal is still subject to regulatory approval.
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