Latest about Piracy
Microsoft to scan for pirates every 90 days
By Richard Thurston published
News Redmond giant Microsoft is trying to tackle the use of counterfeit versions of Windows 7 by cracking down on software hacks.
Has piracy cost the App Store $450 million?
By Martin James published
News Report criticises Apple for its lack of action to curb app piracy, but critics say for the figures to be true each pirate would have to be responsible for 510 illegal downloads.
BSA doubles piracy reward ahead of Christmas
By Nicole Kobie published
News The Business Software Alliance is offering £20,000 to encourage broke employees to turn their bosses in for software piracy.
Week in Review: Google Chrome OS
By Nicole Kobie published
News Google unveils its Chrome OS as Microsoft releases betas of everything, while Peter Mandelson picks fights with pirates.
Mandelson wants more copyright power
By Nicole Kobie published
News Business Secretary Peter Mandelson is looking to create what one blogger has described as the 'office of Pirate-Finder General'.
Queen's speech introduces file sharing plans
By Nicole Kobie published
News The Queen introduced the Digital Economy Bill today, which includes the government's plans to cut of illegal file sharers.
Three strike rule to be introduced for EU filesharers
By Jennifer Scott published
News After much debate in the European Union, member states have agreed to bring in a three strike rule to cut off internet access, as long as a fair review has happened first.
Pirate Bay prosecution saw explosion of file sharing
By Asavin Wattanajantra published
News Headlines around The Pirate Bay lead to an explosion in growth of BitTorrent websites hoping to fill the gap.
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