Latest about Snooper'S Charter
Why the CISA amendment further erodes our right to privacy
By Davey Winder published
Opinion Increasingly, governments are becoming the enemies of data protection
High Court rules DRIPA is unlawful
By Joe Curtis published
News Government must scrap emergency surveillance legislation as it does not comply with human rights
Theresa May is 2015 Internet Villain of the year
By Joe Curtis published
News Home secretary recognised for inadequate consultation over Snooper’s Charter
Watchdog says “intolerable” terror laws must be scrapped
By Joe Curtis published
News Adds that stronger reasons required to introduce Snoopers' Charter
Infosec 2015: Has GCHQ lost the cyber security plot?
By Davey Winder published
Analysis It's more about what GCHQ doesn't say about the Snooper's charter than what it does, according to Davy Winder
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