Latest about Cognitive Technology
Oculus overtakes HTC in key market
By Adam Shepherd, IT Pro published
News Steam Hardware Survey indicates that the Rift has surpassed the Vive
Why bots are the future of Facebook's enterprise platform
By Adam Shepherd published
News Workplace customers want less collaboration and more automation
Blockchain won't produce results until at least 2019
By Adam Shepherd published
News KPMG believes the technology is still in the "hype stage"
NHS 111 calls 'to be handled by robots within two years'
By Dale Walker published
News An AI algorithm could reduce the burden on the health service, leaked report says
UK and France will share knowledge on AI
By Joe Curtis published
News AI conference hailed as a sign of closer ties between the two countries' tech sectors
Google enables developers to build AI into apps
By Clare Hopping published
News Cloud AutoML, Google's machine learning integration tool, will be made available in stages
Gartner: Brexit will change IT spending patterns
By Clare Hopping published
News AI will drive savings, as enterprises avoid upfront investments
NHS England urged to adopt AI to boost digital efforts
By Clare Hopping published
News Reform offers 16 recommendations to improve the use of AI in public healthcare
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