Latest about EMC
The file that helped hack RSA found
By Tom Brewster published
News The RSA hack was months ago now, but the file and email which helped compromised the security giant has just been found.
Briton in running to lead EMC?
By Stephen Pritchard, Tom Brewster published
News It looks to be a two-horse race to succeed Joe Tucci at the storage vendor.
EMC hires for top UK job
By Jennifer Scott published
News James Petter will head up the UK and Ireland for the storage giant.
EMC World 2011: Q&A, Adrian McDonald, president of EMEA
By Jennifer Scott published
In-depth In his first interview with the UK press since his promotion, Adrian McDonald, who head up EMC's interests in EMEA (Europe, the Middle East and Africa) North, hints at plans for the Silicon Roundabout as well as new directions for the company.
EMC shakes up EMEA management
By Jennifer Scott published
News The storage giant commits to a European push with new executives taking charge.
'A lot at stake' in VMware's Mozy take-over, analysts warn
By Dan Hatch published
News EMC's big Mozy spin-off has risks as well as synergies but analysts agree it's all about cloud consolidation.
EMC moves Mozy to VMware to exploit 'synergies'
By Dan Hatch published
News The cloud service from EMC has new owners in the shape of its partners, VMware.
EMC brings NetWitness into RSA fold
By Tom Brewster published
News EMC acquires NetWitness whose technology recently helped RSA identify an APT targeting the security firm's servers.
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